
Showing posts from June, 2023

Calculating the amount of steel bar for reinforced concrete beams

For example, if we are going to make floor beams measuring 20 cm x 30 cm with a length of 3m, the main reinforcing steel we will use has a diameter of 10 mm, totaling 8 rods, while for shear stirrup we use steel bar of 8 – 200 (read: 8 mm diameter steel bar installed 20 cm apart). Requirements for main reinforcing steel of D10 In the beam, there are 8 pieces of steel 10 mm in diameter, each 3 m long. So the total requirement is 8 pcs x 3 m = 24 m. If the length of steel bar on the market is 12 m per rod, then the steel bar requirement is 24 m : 12 m = 2 rods. Requirements for shear stirrup of D8 For every 3 m of a beam, how many pieces of shear stirrups are there? We can calculate this by means of 3 m : 0.2 m = 15 pcs. How long steel bar is required for one shear stirrup? We can calculate it by adding up the circumference of the shear stirrup, which is 0.15+0.25+0.15+0.15+0.05+0.05 = 0.9m. So, the total requirement for shear stirrups is 15 pieces x 0.9 m = 13.5 m. In the same way, ...

Jenis Beton dan Kegunaannya - Types of Concrete and Its Uses

Beton adalah bahan bangunan yang terdiri dari berbagai material agregat penyusun dengan semen sebagai bahan pengikat yang menjadi satu kesatuan. Beton banyak dipilih sebagai bahan bangunan karena memiliki kekuatan yang kokoh, permukaan rata serta bertekstur halus.Beton adalah bahan yang paling sering ditemui dalam sebuah konstruksi bangunan karena biaya pembuatan konstruksi beton jauh lebih murah dengan kekuatan yang sama dibandingkan dengan konstruksi besi dan baja. Ada banyak berbagai jenis beton yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan fungsi dan jenis kegunaannya. Concrete is a building material consisting of various aggregates with cement as a binding material that forms a single unit. Concrete is widely chosen as a building material because it has strong strength, a flat surface, and a smooth texture. Concrete is the material most often found in building construction because the cost of making concrete construction is much cheaper and has the same strength as iron and steel construction. ...